
HTLS conductors


A development of the Aluminium-Steel conductor that, thanks to the use of a core made of a Fe-Ni "Invar" alloy, has reduced thermal expansion.



It is a development of the Aluminium-Steel conductor that, thanks to the use of a core made of a Fe-Ni “Invar” alloy with reduced coefficient of thermal expansion, combined with conductive layers in Thermal Aluminium Alloy Al-Zr (IEC 62004), is the HTLS (High Thermal Low Sag) technology most used in the world.
De Angeli Prodotti supplied more than 12,000 km of Invar-Core to various European utilities.



De Angeli Prodotti is able to design and produce specific sections and formations dedicated to the replacement of the existing standard conductors, in order to increase the ampacity in compliance with sag requirements.
The Fe-Ni “Invar” alloy wires that compose the core are covered with a layer of extruded aluminium, the thickness of which may vary according to the project (14SA – 20SA – 27SA), with the aim of increasing the corrosion resistance.

For external conductive layers in Thermal Aluminium Alloy Al-Zr, De Angeli Prodotti proposes alternative shapes such as trapezoidal wires, “z” wires, etc.


The Invar-Core conductor is highly appreciated for its characteristics of current capacity increase (Ampacity +100%), respect of the sag (Low Sag) and easy installation (similar to the ACSR), which are the key points of its success.

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