Worldwide the railway infrastructure has historically been subject to copper theft.
Therefore, De Angeli Prodotti designed the TACSR (Thermal Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced) conductor, an alternative anti-theft solution to the copper, the maximum expression of its attention to the real needs of the customer.

De Angeli Prodotti helped the railway infrastructure management companies to limit and eliminate theft of copper, designing, developing and producing a bimetallic solution that meets all the original parameters of the conductor to be replaced, composed mainly of aluminium and its alloys, with a thin steel wire in the middle, physically impossible to remove.
Since the conductor is constitutively bimetallic it is not recyclable in foundry, unlike copper, and for this reason it is not subject to theft.
De Angeli Prodotti manufactures and supplies bare TACSR for aerial applications and insulated TACSR for ground connections.
This innovative solution makes it possible to eliminate the phenomenon of copper theft in railway networks, which are at the root of heavy delays and disruptions for travelers and damages to infrastructure managers.
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