HTLS conductors
Smart conductor
Smart Conductors allow REAL-TIME control of the line thanks to integrated optical fibers
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Since the 80s, De Angeli Prodotti designs and supplies conductors for overhead power lines, following all the national and international standards. The mutations of regulations, that avoid and hinder the possibility to build new lines in the most developed countries, the climate changes and the unstoppable growth of the energy demand, brought to the need of re-powering the existing grids. For this reason, starting from 2000, De Angeli Prodotti successfully revised, designed and supplied countless technological solutions for any aluminum conductor for the Overhead Power Lines.
HTLS conductors
Smart Conductors allow REAL-TIME control of the line thanks to integrated optical fibers
HTLS conductors
Made up of several composite elements in thermo-resistant carbon fiber stranded together.
Surface treatments
Conductor coated with a super-hydrophobic paint (coating) capable of limiting and/or eliminating the growth of ice sleeves.
Ground wires
OPGW is a smart use of the widespread grid of ground wires for the transmission of data.
A conductor consisting mainly of aluminium with a thin steel wire in the centre, which makes theft completely unnecessary as it is bimetallic and therefore cannot be remelted.
Standard conductors
It is a monometallic conductor composed of different type of high conductivity alloys.
HTLS conductors
ACCS brings together all the best features of ACCM and manages to be even more competitive.
Surface treatments
By colouring the external surface, a conductor with a very low visual impact is obtained without impairing their functionality, allowing them to be more in harmony with the external environment…
Ground wires
OPPC (Optical Phase Conductors) are the combination of a phase conductor commonly used for energy transport with an optical core for data transmission.
The contact wire “trolley” is the most important conductor of the railway infrastructure.
Standard conductors
AAC conductor is a monometallic conductor, mainly used for short spans and for connection of electrical substations.
HTLS conductors
ACCS-Sens involves the insertion of optical fibres in direct contact with the carbon core, allowing the integrity of the core to be monitored.
Surface treatments
De Angeli Prodotti has developed a process for sandblasting the outer layer of conductors to reduce the corona effect.
Ground wires
The ACS (Aluminium Clad Steel) rods are installed as an alternative to the traditional galvanized steel ground wires for the protection of overhead power lines from lightning.
This system of conductors constitutes the means of the energy transmission from the high voltage grid to the train.
Standard conductors
AAAC conductor is a monometallic conductor composed of an alloy AlMgSi (series 600).
HTLS conductors
A development of the Aluminium-Steel conductor that, thanks to the use of a core made of a Fe-Ni "Invar" alloy, has reduced thermal expansion.
Standard conductors
ACSR conductor is the type of conductor most used worldwide and it is composed of a steel core and one or more hard drawn aluminum layers.
HTLS conductors
ACCS wire is particularly suitable for replacing AAAC conductors, its core is composed of high-strength zinc-aluminum steel wires.
Standard conductors
The copper conductors, thanks to their great electrical conductivity, have been the first type of conductors used for the electrical lines.