A new product certification from TERNA for our invar core condutor.
De Angeli Prodotti recently obtained an important Terna certification for the conductor ZTACIR Ø 30,00 mm.
This HTLS (High Thermal Low Sag) solution will replace the standard ACSR Ø 31,50 mm currently installed on Rondissone-Trino (Piedmont) line allowing repowering up to 33% and allowing to solve some bottlenecks in the Italy’s Northwest Network, specially used in the import and transmission of energy from neighboring France.

De Angeli Prodotti will have to produce and deliver in the coming months a significant amount of ZTACIR Ø 30,00 mm which will then be installed by Terna during the next summer.
We will soon get another product certification for the T-AAAC conductor Ø 37,35 mm that will be used in the route network / substation in the same area.
With these projects De Angeli Prodotti confirms its leadership in terms of innovation and customer proximity allowing Terna to continue the renewal perspective and reliability of the national grid.