Safety first. And it starts from me!

SAFETY FIRST is written in bold characters on the entrance of our brand new corporate Dojo.
You may wonder what on earth is a Dojo?
“A dōjō (道場) is a hall or space for immersive learning or meditation… traditionally in the field of martial arts.” (Wikipedia).
In our ambitious Dojo we learn together:
- how to work safely,
- and respect the environment,
- with the most advanced organizational methods,
- to make the world of energy modern and sustainable.
Last October was our De Angeli Prodotti Safety Month and more than 300 colleagues have gone through our Dojo, for an engaging path of Continuous Improvement and Organizational Consciousness.

Every colleague knows now by heart:
- how to use properly PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and drive responsibly forklifts,
- our 5 million euro strong investments for clean energy production,
- how to contribute with their personal engagement to our 94% material recycling,
- the training needed to be part of our lean organization (5s, Kaizen, SMED, A3, Industry 4.0, etc.).

And last but not east our three main strategic lines:
- Most Innovative in the World for Overhead Lines,
- More and more High Technology Products for Windings,
- Efficiency and Service for Mass Market products.
We will never forget: SAFETY STARTS FROM ME!