De Angeli Prodotti was unanimously voted by the Industry Committee of the CTNE to be part of the committee itself.
De Angeli Prodotti was unanimously voted by the Industry Committee of the CTNE to be part of the committee itself.
The National Energy Technology Cluster (CTNE) is an Italian non-profit association that promotes actions aimed at supporting research, development and technology transfer in the Energy sector, with the aim of combining the demand for innovation in the industrial sector with the offer of innovation from the country’s highly qualified research structures to support the achievement of the expected targets, in terms of research planning from the main international and national strategic agendas (Mission Innovation, SET-Plan, Energy Union Strategy, PNIEC, PNR , Smart specialization strategy, Industry 4.0, PNRR).

CTNE is a meeting point with institutional bodies, companies, regional and national administrations. The association was officially recognized by the MIUR of CTN Energia on May 30, 2019.
CTN Energia currently has 77 members distinguished by the following categories:
- Entrepreneurial Representations
- Public Research Bodies and Universities
- Territorial Representations
In this context, we want to encourage a coordinated and inclusive action of large, medium and small enterprises for a greater concentration on research of interest for the national industry, as well as the technological transfer of the results and products of the research itself.

A support for decarbonisation and the energy transition
The CTN Energy aims to support the de-carbonization process of the economic system and the transition to a new eco-sustainable energy model by stimulating research and development.
The technological sectors of interest of the CTN Energia, in line with the provisions of the SET-Plan of the European Commission and the national and international energy plans, concern sustainable use of fossil fuels, those from renewable sources, the use of carbon-free energy carriers, such as hydrogen, energy storage, sustainable mobility, intended as a contribution to the development of innovative power trains and power systems.
A set of the following priority lines has been identified, grouping six technological areas:
- Smart networks and micro-networks: technologies, systems and methods of management and control
- Energy storage: technologies and management and control systems
- Innovative devices, technologies and methods of use for Smart grid applications
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
- Smart energy
- Value chain of hydrogen and CCUS
CTN Energia works to obtain the following main results:
- activate a structured network of technical-scientific relationships and collaborations
- strengthen the country’s design, operational and prototype capacity of applied and industrial research
- consolidate research and technology transfer infrastructures
- facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology in particular to SMEs (basis of the national industrial fabric)
- to promote and support the creation of new high-tech companies
- favor the training growth of existing skills and the creation of new professional figures
- strengthen Italy’s role in guiding the future SET-Plan and confer on the definition of national strategic agendas for research in the energy sector.