With Open Factory De Angeli Prodotti has opened the doors of its factory to promote industrial culture, safety and innovative research
De Angeli Prodotti has decided to participate in Open Factory 2023 because it represents the most significant opening and promotional event in the context of industrial and manufacturing culture. This is an initiative aimed at highlighting and making known to the general public companies like ours that contribute to the value of the country. The objective of Open Factory is to make people understand the cultural, social and economic importance of the company.
Opening the doors of factories is a crucial gesture to make people understand the fundamental role they play in the future of the country, especially for young people who can discover the beauty of Made in Italy and get involved in their own professional growth. The Open Factory initiative therefore allows us to narrate our company, consolidate ties with the community and with our collaborators, attract young talent and make people perceive that factories are a shared value for everyone.
What does “industrial tourism” mean?
When they read the word “tourism” some visualize an exotic postcard place with white sand interrupted only by a curved palm tree on a sea that slopes with a thousand shades until it is lost in the blue of the sky. Others visualize a European art city with rococo palaces or a Japanese temple of such an intense carmine red that it obscures the sunset against which it stands. Still others visualize hills covered with vineyards, with cellars and farmhouses where you can immerse yourself in the most enjoyable food and wine traditions. No one, obviously, thinks about industrial tourism. Yet in Paris, already at the end of the 1700s and not surprisingly, given that these were the years of the Industrial Revolution, urbex began to be practiced, that is, the urban exploration of villas, churches, catacombs and, naturally, abandoned factories. After years in which this practice was almost forgotten, today it is also spreading in Europe, thanks to the decadentism of our era.
Open Factory: the opening of industrial tourism and manufacturing culture to explore our company
The industrial world has always exercised great fascination, both for its architecture and its automation, especially in the eyes of those who do not experience it. And if Urbex, or urban speleology, is a borderline practice that allows you to visit only what is abandoned, there is a perfectly legal way to visit factories in production: the Open Factory.
Furthermore, if some factories (especially manufacturing and in any case goods for daily use) are more immediate in understanding the final product and the processes that concern its production, a factory that produces indispensable products, but not intended directly for the final consumer like De Angeli Prodotti appears very distant in understanding its dynamics.

Aware of the importance of integration and reducing distances with the “unconscious users” of our products, we have gladly embraced the mission of industrial and manufacturing culture on which Open Factory was built, the event created to raise awareness of the Italian workplaces. Opening the doors of a company like ours is a strong message for us that we want to send to our community: our factory is a safe and culturally stimulating workplace. On the subject of safety, we will never tire of always doing our best to guarantee a healthy and risk-free place for our employees. As for “culturally stimulating”, we know that many may be shocked at first glance: factories have always been seen as a receptacle for repetitive and static human and robotic labor. Yet our company is the furthest thing that can exist from this image: here we carry out research to develop new solutions and every employee is a precious piece of this gear potentially capable of making their contribution to a future which in De Angeli Prodotti is already the present.
On November 25th and 26th we welcomed more than 400 people
Thanks to the beautiful sunny days, our factory welcomed 400 people including employees, family members and curious people who in an hour and a half admired the technological complexity of our production processes to create extraordinary products that contribute to feeding the planet with electricity in line with our vision of a world dominated by green energy. This is a value that we also conveyed in the great book on our factory and its protagonists that we honored to all the participants.
Some photos from Open Factory 2023
The company opened to everyone!
An introduction video and an interview with the president to talk about Open Factory
In this regard, if you were unable to be there, we are pleased to open the doors of our company to you today with this short but exciting video which also contains an interview with our president Luca Mora.