We’re at a crucial threshold for the rescue of our planet, and we set ambitious goals for reducing emissions.
This article is focused on Climate Change because we think we’re at a crucial threshold for the rescue of our planet, and see that finally governments, institutions and companies around the world more and more set ambitious goals for reducing emissions.
On July 14th 2021 the European Commission adopted the “Fit for 55” climate package which proposes to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal by 2030, in particular the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels, with the aim of reaching “carbon neutrality” by 2050.
The goal is to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world with a path that is important for all of us to know because: Everyone can contribute and for sure De Angeli Prodotti wants to make its part.
How can we do it?

Transforming our economy and our societies
Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, but it is also an opportunity to build a new economic model and strengthen the competitiveness of European companies, create jobs and foster growth, reducing external energy dependence.
Making transport sustainable for all
- 55% reduction in car emissions by 2030
- Zero emissions from new cars by 2035!
Leading the third industrial revolution
The green transition represents a great opportunity for European industry as it creates markets for “clean” technologies and products.
To prevent European industry efforts to reduce emissions from being undermined by unfair competition abroad, a mechanism is proposed to ensure that companies importing from countries with less stringent climate regulations have to pay a carbon price.
Building a cleaner energy system
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 requires higher shares of renewable energy and greater energy efficiency:
- 40% – new renewable energy target for 2030
- 36-39% – new energy efficiency targets for 2030 for final and primary energy consumption
Renovate buildings for a greener lifestyle
Renovate at least 3% of the total covered area of all public buildings annually and set a benchmark of 49% renewable energy in buildings by 2030.
Working in harmony with nature to protect our planet and our health
Restore forests, soils, wetlands in Europe to increase CO2 absorption and make our environment more resilient to climate change.
Promote global climate action
We can only address the threat of climate change by collaborating globally, setting the European Green Deal as a positive example and requiring all international partners to set their own deadlines for climate neutrality.
Skills and products developed in Europe will also benefit the rest of the world.
The role of power grids in the global decarbonization path. We can be of help!
The Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2020 of the ENTSO-E gives a clear picture of the role of power grids in the global decarbonization path, where definitively De Angeli Prodotti can be of help!

“A common element of all future energy scenarios is that electricity will become the leading energy carrier (up to 65%) and that: the European electricity grid will function as the backbone of the decarbonization of all energy sectors. Electricity is a major building block of a climate-neutral energy system as renewables will be key energy sources due to their maturity and intrinsic efficiency advantage.”
If we focus on the Italian Grid only, the new 18 billion euro Ten Year Plan issued by Terna on July 7th 2021 aims to obtain, thanks to the investments, greater efficiency for the electricity system and benefits such as:
- greater RES power that can be connected to the grid estimated at around 40 GW by 2030;
- the disposal of obsolete infrastructures for a value of 4,600 km;
- a decrease in energy losses of about 2,000 million kWh per year;
- a reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere of approximately 5.6 million tons/year, due to the lower network losses.
It is the goal of De Angeli Prodotti to contribute with its wide product portfolio and spirit of innovation to this great challenge
We can help you to reduce power transmission losses and CO2 emissions with our carbon-core Conductors, check our hi-tech insulated copper flat wires for the new generation of E-powertrains requested by the E-mobility revolution, go through the fiberglass insulated magnet wires for the windmill generators, and get a complete view of many other products and technologies that make our company a leading actor of the Green Transition.