De Angeli Prodotti: towards a future under the sign of innovation.

Dear Friends,
may we spend this first issue of our 2019 Newsletter to remind you of some important achievements and milestones of our recent past?

Surface Treatments On Conductors
Understanding the huge potential of these surface treatments De Angeli Prodotti has focused for many years on developing this kind of technologies. It can already offer three different products. (Read more…)
Completed Supply For The Innovative Conductor On The Vado-Vignole Line
De Angeli Prodotti is proud to have completed the supply of the innovative conductor for applications with extreme ice overload, but at the same time increasing the transport capacity, for the Vado-Vignole line. (Read more…)
ACCM Trial Installation For TERNA
It’s with pleasure that De Angeli Prodotti announces its first trial installation for the innovative Aluminium Conductor Composite Multistrand, called ACCM. (Read more…)
Best Paths Dissemination Event DEMO3 – Codrongianos
De Angeli Prodotti participated in the dissemination event of the European project Best Paths related to DEMO3 presenting the innovative conductors for HVDC power lines developed during the project. (Read more…)
All Aluminium Alloy Conductors Super High Conductivity (AAAC SHC)
All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AAAC) are used all over the world as overhead line conductors. The improvement of the combination between electrical and mechanical properties allows a decrease in energy losses. More specifically, there is an over 7% loss reduction compared to traditional aluminium alloys used today, keeping the same tensile strenght. (Read more…)
Best Paths – Demo 3: A Video To Present Our Innovative Technological Solutions!
Cameras and spotlights have appeared in De Angeli Prodotti to prove the research activities that are developed within the European Best Paths Program where our company is part of.
The activity comprises 39 partners from 11 European countries and aims to develop new technologies to increase the transmission capacity and flexibility of the European electrical system with the objective of reducing CO2 emissions. (Read more…)

The Sustainable Future Of Mobility
The automotive sector has been sparkling for several months now: it is no coincidence that the major vehicle manufacturers groups planned, in a few years, a massive and definitive introduction of hybrid or electric technology inside mobility’s world.
De Angeli Prodotti looks favorably on this revolution of mobility and we can provide the optimal solution for the construction of compact and efficient windings. (Read more…)
A New CTC Production Line For 87 Flat Wires
De Angeli Prodotti set a “Wide increase of its share on products for windings with high level technological content” as the second pillar of its strategy 2017-2020.
This is one of the reasons why we installed a new CTC production line, which can handle cables up to 87 elementary conductors, with thickness 0.8 mm low. This result is achieved through the semi-finished products coming from our two new rolling mills and six other new high productivity enameling machines. (Read more…)
High Conductivity Copper
De Angeli Prodotti proposes to the market the high conductivity copper!
Through special productive processes, it has been developed an extremely pure copper that allows a surplus of conductivity in the final products of (around) 1% IACS. (Read more…)

SAFETY FIRST is written in bold characters on the entrance of our brand new corporate Dojo.
You may wonder what on earth is a Dojo? “A dōjō (道場) is a hall or space for immersive learning or meditation… traditionally in the field of martial arts.” (Wikipedia).
In our ambitious Dojo we learn together so many things. (Read more…)
Jumbo Coils: Large Capacity Packaging
The automation of winding lines, essential to ensure efficiency, requires solutions that enable process stability, flexibility and autonomy of the production lines.
For this reason De Angeli Prodotti extended its production capacity on the largest coils available. The conic reel 630/1000, better known as Jumbo Coils, can keep up to 800 kg of copper. (Read more…)
The First MEET-Ing In De Angeli Prodotti
In the last days the first MEET-ing took place with external companies working on the energy field.
The technical workshop involved many colleagues, and has opened the door of our factory to several figures and National companies, that are working at 360° on the energy area. (Read more…)
We are always meeting our clients and presenting our technologies around the world.
That’s why De Angeli Prodotti takes part in international exhibitions exposure electromechanical products and metallurgy.

It’s Time To CIGRÉ 2018!
It is a highly anticipated event by De Angeli Prodotti because it is a unique opportunity to meet all the European and Extra-European TSOs (Transmission System Operators) and to present them with our latest innovations and innovations as well as to collect new challenges to develop. (Read more…)
MEE 2018 – A New Experience
We close the first participation of De Angeli Prodotti at Middle East Electricity with an absolutely positive balance, thanks to our most innovative products, which have aroused interest and admiration among visitors and exhibitors. In particular, the ACCM conductor was the absolute protagonist of our exhibition. (Read more…)
De Angeli Prodotti And TCH Guests Of EA Technology
De Angeli Prodotti and TCH De Angeli had the opportunity to attend an interesting conference in Chester (UK) organized by the company EA Technology, which allowed them to learn about new studies on overhead conductors, on their effects on the territory and on practical applications of new generation components. (Read more…)
Big Science Business Forum – Copenhagen
De Angeli Prodotti was at the Big Science Business Forum held in Copenhagen on February 2018: the first edition of the event counts more than 1000 participants for over 500 delegations present, with the aim of putting in contact the names of Big Science with the companies and the global market, to obtain as many advantages as possible in terms of new collaborations and knowledge of this prestigious sector. (Read more…)