With the kick-off meeting, BEST PATHS European project has started.
With the kick-off meeting, BEST PATHS (BEyond State-of-the-art Technologies for re-Powering Ac corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems) European project has been started and De Angeli Prodotti is on the frontline with Terna Rete Italia and other 39 european partner.

The aim of this project, co-funded by EU, is the development of a continental network which starts from the production of electric energy form renewable off-shore sources to the domestic connection.
The specific working group which involved De Angeli Prodotti, Terna and other three partners aims to find solutions to modernize the old SACOI connection. This line was chosen as matter of the research, but it’s only an example for all the HVDC lines.
Link: Articolo Sole24Ore