On the 25 and 26 October it was held in Berlin (guests of 50 Hertz) the annual event where all 47 partners involved in the BEST PATHS project are to review the progress.

On the 25 and 26 October it was held in Berlin (guests of 50 Hertz) the annual event where all 47 partners involved in the BEST PATHS project are to review the progress.
The Best Paths project aims to develop an innovative power grid, starting from the production of electricity in power plants offshore (wind farms) with new energy conversion systems from direct current to alternate current to the superconductors linked to all homes across Europe.
De Angeli Prodotti is at the heart of this project, dealing with innovative conductors that will be dedicated to direct current lines that will link two energy conversion stations.
The case study is the SaCoI line that connects Sardinia to Tuscany via Corsica.
The goal is the repowering of the existing line trying to minimize the line losses.
On the first day it was possible to review all the administrative aspects of the project and it was made of the review of technical and technological advancements and innovations that the different partners are supporting within this major European project.
The second day took place in an open public event with the participation the highest European experts who discussed about the technical development carried out by consortium comparing with what has been their experience in terms of research and innovation and technological development.